I'm talking about the Weight Watcher's Points Plus program.
I've been off and on Weight Watchers a number of times...enough to remember the old exchanges system, again when they first launched the point system, to now the Points Plus system.
I've tried many diets, I said many, not all...and not everything. I'd be lying if I said, "I've tried everything and nothing worked until...{fill in the blank the newest diet out there}
Truth is, I have tried many, and I did have success on most of them, as long as I followed them...that in lies the problem...you see, I get tired of diets. I get tired of saying "no" to that piece of cake, or that second dinner roll, or that afternoon chocolate...or...to all those bad eating habits I've picked up in my 50 birthdays. {I know, I know..this is a dicipline problem...will get to that another day}
Most diets, or now, so-called "lifestyle changes" work if you really do them. Yes, you can lose weight eating nothing but grapefruits, yes, you can lose weight eating nothing but meat and yes you can most certainly lose weight eating little or no breads...but can you do that long term? No...I can't. Now, I didn't say YOU can't, because, I don't know what YOU can do. I just know my limitations. {and I have many when it comes to food}
This is where Weight Watchers wins it for me. It has variety {which I like}, nothing is off-limits {which I love} and it also works {ta da...winning combo here, folks}
When I've lived the Weight Watchers program, it worked.....everytime....every single time.
So, today starts a new journey for me. Yep, I'm going to start back up on Weight Watcher's Points plus program....today...and I'm going to blog about it every Tuesday, which is my weigh in day.
There....I already feel like I'll have more accountability...and that is just what I need. If I share with you my journey in this area of my life, well, then I'm going to feel a bit less inclined to eat that afternoon chocolate...{usually} since I'll have to tell you about it...you read that right...you'll get to read all about what choices I make and how that affects my end result...good and bad. {pretty and ugly}
My motivation??.....

Yep...that's right. These three lil' darlings are one reason why I want to develop better "lifestyle changes" {not to mention so many others that want me to stick around awhile}
Skinny jeans??...not me....tank tops?...so not me....bikini?....oh please...{remember 50 birthdays?}
But these precious little ones {and hopefully more!!} that call me "gramma" make all the discipline of saying "no" {to the above forementioned} so well worth it...
So, come along with me. Allow me to be vulnerable, sharing my journey to weight loss and healthier lifestyle with you, using the Weight Watcher's Point Plus program.
I have today...and some choices I make today, will affect my tomorrow...and I want to not only see tomorrow...but LIVE in it.
I look forward to "weighing in" on Tuesdays with you!
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