Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesdays with Gramma!

About a year ago I started pinning things to my "Gramma Time" board in anticipation of fun things to do with my grand kids  I enjoy coming across something and thinking that I'd be the "bomb" of a gramma if I did that with my grand kids  You can follow my "Gramma Time" Pinterest board right here

Well, that day came today. Not that I've not had time to do fun things with my grand kids  but this is kind of the start of a new weekly "event" at my house...I'm gonna call it:

TUESDAYS with GRAMMA!!  {and sometimes Papa!!}

Each Tuesday, I'll get to play with the kids while their mom and dad teach piano. 

It'll be something fun for all of us to look forward to!

So, today, I picked them up a little before lunch and we headed to "Ole McDonald's"...I love it when they call it that. They won't do that forever...soon enough, they'll call if for what it really is, but until then, we had a right proper lunch at Ole McDonald's today!
As we were leaving, Micah noticed a big truck moving dirt. What fun for a 5 year old boy to see his small play trucks, big and in real life, working. He asked me what they were doing, so seizing the opportunity in front of us, we walked over to the area and watched and learned as we saw this, giant in their eyes, truck move big rocks and dirt.

 I'm sure it was the highlight of the operators day to look up and see three precious little ones watching and waving. After they caught the drivers attention and waved goodbye, we headed to make a quick trip to Walmart to pick up some need supplies to do a craft at grammas!

Today, I decided to make "Flubber" with them. I've made it before with my own kids, and always found it a fun alternative to play dough.

I used the recipe I had pinned on my "Gramma Board"...you can find that HERE.
Since I was going to let them each have their own color, I got enough ingredients to do 3 batches.

Here's what you'll need for each individual batch:
Elmer's Glue {I used the "almost" 8 oz bottle}
Food coloring
3/4 cup cold Water
1 tsp. of Borax {find this in the laundry soap aisle}
1/2 tsp. hot water

First thing I did was get each of the kids their own bowl and one 8 oz bottle of glue. They dumped that into their bowls

I then added 3/4 cup of cold water and the color of their choice to the glue:
They then stirred it all together.
While they stirred and stirred, giggled and checked each other's bowls out:
 I mixed 1 tsp. of Borax into 1/2 cup of hot water, stirring until the Borax was dissolved.
It's when you add this Borax mixture to their colored glue mixture that the magic happens and this flubbery, rubbery substance just kind of makes itself happen in the bowl. 

....and the wonderment in the eyes of a child gets to be experienced....

I love watching kids when they are fascinated...learning...living life...

I could watch that all day....

Do you ever just do that?? Just watch a child watch "life" around them?

It's a magical place to be...

I didn't do that much when my kids were little...I think I was just so busy and distracted by life that I just didn't stop long enough to see "life" through their eyes....

But, now that I'm a gramma....

I get to do that...and I could do that ALL day EVERY day...

That's just one of those things you get to experience when you have a grand child...something just kind of clicks inside and you see "life" just differently somehow.. you get to see a glimpse of "life" through their eyes and not just your own... 

I was privileged to teach my kids at home so it's not like I didn't have the opportunity to see that in my kids, it's just different somehow. 

I don't know, I think maybe God just saves that for grandparents...just one more thing we can't explain.

Ok, so then, the Flubber was ready and the the kids got to enjoy the fruit of their labor...

And me....well, I got to sit and enjoy them doing just that...

My Tuesdays just got a whole lot more fun!!!
...and I can't wait to live each one!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Being a "Foster" Gramma...

It was not a shock to me when our daughter and her husband approached us to tell us they were seriously considering Foster Care.

They have MUCH love. They LOVE their God and He was directing them to get involved with the Foster Care Program in our area.

I won't go into all the specifics that led them to their decision to become foster parents...but I'll tell you this...

the minute they became foster parents....

my husband and I became foster Grandparents...

You see, this decision affected all of our family. We looked at it as a privilege to come alongside our kids and support them in whatever way we could. We didn't know what that looked like...

until she came...

A little blonde haired, blued eyed 2 year old bundle of energy...

And we fell in love....

we fell very hard in love...

Many emotions raced through our minds as we became very much a part of her world and her ours.

She fit in so well.... she loved her newest siblings....she was adapting beautifully.

For the past two months it became natural to set one more place setting at the table, to make 1 more ice cream cone, to find one more baby doll...

She became family.

But, then it happened. Her case worker had found a willing family member to take care of her. They passed all the tests and the day is here for her to move in with her new family. She'll transition well as there are two little girls waiting to play with her....at her age, she won't skip a beat...and I'm grateful for that....

I gave her one last hug today.

My daughter, son in law and their children have their goodbyes tomorrow....

That's tough...really tough...

But, this goes with the Foster Care territory. The days are numbered that you have these little ones in your care...it can change in a moments notice.

Our kids knew this pain was inevitable when they signed up for Foster Care....
We knew as their parents it was inevitable...
And now the day is here...the inevitable is happening...and it hurts.

But, the pain isn't pain that will keep us from loving the next child, or children, whomever they'll be.

We'll wait patiently, knowing our God will bring those children into our lives through our daughter and her husband as long as they are in the Foster Care program.

Make no mistake, God is in control and He knows exactly who needs us...and who we need!

I'm humbled to be able to stand by our kids and support them in this heartbreaking, but heart-giving endeavor. Very humbled to serve as a Foster Care gramma...

It's the life I'm living TODAY...and it'll never look the same again...

Monday, August 5, 2013

Christmas Gifts {May's "Treat of the Month"}

Ok, I must admit, I was just squealing when I put this gift together for Kim!

I had seen a cookies made by a cookie friend that I've mentioned before, Tami, from here or you can check out her facebook page  right here. She does AWESOME work!

Well, in February, she had posted some awesome chocolate covered strawberry cookies and some cookies that looked like chocolates...you know the kind you get in a box...different shapes and sizes. They were so cute!!

But, when I saw the strawberries, I knew that is what I was going to make for Kim for her May treat.
I had a blast making them!! I did some in my favorite vanilla sugar cookie recipe, and some in a favorite chocolate sugar cookie cut out recipe. You can find the chocolate cookie recipe over here. I just LOVE it! She's another cookier that I admire...she does great work and her recipes ROCK!
I had saved a Driscoll's Strawberry box and, like I mentioned before, I squealed when I put this gift together!

Now, it gets sad....

The USPS lost the box....

Ok,  they didn't really "lose" the box...it just got misplaced...for about 2 weeks!!!

I was sooooooo excited for Kim to open this treat that month and to hear back from her...and I heard nothing....I waited, and nothing...waited some more....nothing....

Knowing this wasn't like her at all, I jumped online to see when they got delivered and to my horror saw that they were "out for delivery" like 3 days earlier....so I contacted her to see if she got them, and she had not. We traced them to a sorting facility 30 minutes from her home...and there they sat for the next 10 days all the time saying "out for delivery"

The clerks at my local post office were in contact with the clerks there and "no one" knew what happened!

Well, Kim did receive these and she thought I had sent out another box because they were still ok to eat!!

....and she did love them...just like I knew she would!

I know, accidents happen, things get lost, people make mistakes....I have found that the best way to "live life today" is to forgive others quickly, forget other's mistakes and realize we are all human...

...it really is a good way to live....

Until next time....forgive someone today, forget someone's mistake that caused you stress...and hug a human!! You'll feel so good....

Monday, July 29, 2013

Christmas Gifts {April's "Treat of the Month"}

Wow, it's just been a blast sharing with you my "Treats of the Month" gifts for a very special friend of mine in Virginia this past year.

The last few Monday's I've shared with you what I sent her in January, February and March.

Kim, my bestie in Virginia, who is the recipient of these treats, loves coffee....loves, loves, loves coffee...

Actually, it's a wonderful past time for her and I to meet up for coffee times together. I moved from Ohio to Indiana back in 1998 and we were about 2 hours away from each other. We'd meet up half way for coffee and we cherished these times....

In May of last year, Kim had her first grandbaby...not only that, she had 2 sons get married and a third son engaged...she was propelled into empty nest season almost overnight...

and.....she moved....all the way to Virginia....to be near this dear one...

Isn't it cute how her mom held up the cookie I sent her for this picture...she's so clever!

Anyhow, back to my April treat....so, we were talking about coffee...and how much Kim loves coffee...so much that she told me once that if she doesn't have time to have a cup of coffee before work she has been known to grab a handful of coffee beans and eat them on the way to work....that's a coffee lover right there...

So, for April, like every other month, I wanted to do something special, and since we hadn't had many opportunities to get together for coffee since her move to Virginia, I had coffee on the brain to send her....

I came across this recipe, right here and knew in a minute this was her treat.
I followed the recipe exactly except I baked it in a pan and cut them into bars so they would fit in the cute little boxes I had found at Hobby Lobby.
They tasted as good as they looked....it was a buttery, soft chewy bar, with bits of chocolate and an occasional crispy crunch from the espresso beans...kind of like a coffee party in your mouth!

When I ate these bars {since I didn't send them ALL to her}, I'd think about our special times together over coffee....

Talking about life, and how we were living it, seizing the moments to be together...little did we know when we started these coffee times together how limited they'd be in our future...

Miss you dear friend!!

Until next time, enjoy those moments you have with your besties....

Monday, July 22, 2013

Christmas Gifts {March's "Treat of the Month}

The last two Monday's I've shared with you my gifts for my bestie in Virginia this year. I gave her a "Treat of the Month" from "Tracie's Sweet Boutique" aka, my kitchen.

Today, I'm sharing with you what I sent her in March:
Easter happened to be in March this year, so Easter cookies were on the menu.  I found the cute little box at Walmart and it was all the inspiration I needed. Are those carrots cute or what??

I am part of a cookie group on Facebook and one of the cookie artist that I hang out with "virtually" is Tami from Tami Rena's Cookies. Check out her facebook page right here and her blog over here. She is a great cookie artist and I am inspired often by her works of art!

You'll see more cookies in a couple of weeks that were also inspired by Tami.

Oh, since we're sharing pages here, feel free to check out my other cookie creations over on "Tracie's Sweet Boutique's" facebook page....right over here

Until then, life is happening all around you...seize it and live it fully!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Christmas Gifts {February's "Treat of the Month"}

Well, last Monday, I shared with you my Christmas gift I did for a bestie of mine this past year.
My gift to her was a "Treat of the Month" from "Tracie's Sweet Boutique" aka, my kitchen...

For February I put together this package:
Isn't that jar cutter just the cutest thing ever?? I just love it. It was actually a gift from a friend for doing some cookies for her daughter's bridal shower. Here is a picture of the same cutter used as a different cookie:
I had a blast making these for her daughter's bridal shower...
This cutter was purchased here
I've seen them offered by other vendors too, so you could google "jar cutter" for more options.

I want to make a "bug" jar for my grandson Micah...fill up this jar w/little fireflies....

Up next Monday is March's gift...

Until then, live your life as if today is all you have....oh, wait...it is....

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Christmas in July: {Christmas Potpourri Jars}

It's July.

Way back many many years ago when I was teaching in the school system, I would spend my July getting ready for Christmas.

I loved my summers off as a teacher and took advantage of the extra time I had to organize my home, do fun things with my kids....and knock out my Christmas list.

I took "Christmas in July" literally and took it upon myself to organize my Christmas gift list.

One of the reasons I did this is because I loved making Christmas gifts to give away.

Another reason I did this was because we lived on a tight budget and this was one way I could give gifts to many without it costing me a fortune. I love to give gifts....family, friends, neighbors, postman, Sunday School teachers, co-workers, the gal who cut my hair, my doctor, my dentist....you get the picture.

You can imagine my excitement when I discovered Pinterest! Oh my...the glorious-ness of pinning all these awesome gift giving ideas! Pinterest is a great tool for just that. And I must say, I do actually try quite a few of the things I pin....That is where much inspiration comes from today for most of my projects.

One gift I made for a friend {or two} last year were some potpourri jars. I started out with a clean spaghetti sauce jar. The lid on this brand was actually already black and had no writing on it, so it was good to go as is. You can always spray paint the lids to cover up writing. 
I actually love to look at the different jars when I'm shopping to see what ones I can re-purpose into these.

I put the following in my jars. I don't measure or anything, just kind of fill them up w/ a mixture of:
**sliced oranges
**sliced limes
**sliced lemons
** bay leaves
**cinnamon sticks
**whole cloves {use at least 2T}

After you have placed the above things in the jars, you just fill with water.
Put the lid on and they are ready to give away as is, or you can add ribbons, labels etc...

Which is what I did:

I had found this red bowl and napkin at a local goodwill store and knew it would be perfect for this gift. I added a ribbon to match and then a sticker that had the instructions for use. {which is basically : simmer on stove}

I added a ribbon to match and then sticker that had the instructions for use: {which was basically: "simmer on stove" adding water when necessary} 
I then finished it off with cellophane wrap and a big bow in a coordinating color....ready to give....ready to enjoy!

Using re-purposed jars, goodwill finds, and not so expensive ingredients, these are great gifts that you can make a lot of for a small amount of money.

Here is another one I made. I just packaged it differently.
This one is the same recipe in a smaller jar that I nestled into an antique bowl I found. My friend collects them and this was a perfect find for her.
These jars are just perfect to tuck into things or to just give by themselves.

If you look close enough, you'll see I did another technique on the lid. I used this tutorial right here to mod podge a cupcake liner onto this lid. Can you imagine the possibilities??

So, if you, like me, take Christmas in July literally, why not make up a few of these jars to tuck into gift baskets or give as a stand alone gift this year. Recipients love to use these to bring the holiday smells into their homes.

....and making them this summer will allow you to enjoy your holidays completely this December....

Monday, July 8, 2013

Christmas Gifts {January's "Treat of the Month"}

I gave a bestie of mine a special gift for Christmas this year.

You know those fruit of the month clubs? Well, I did something like that, but not fruit...I made up a gift card that told my friend that she was going to get a "Treat of the Month" from "Tracie's Sweet Boutique"....aka, my kitchen!

Well, it's July and it's been a blast coming up with a new treat of the month...so I thought I'd share them with you through out this year....Perhaps you will want to bless a friend with a "Treat a Month" from your home this year...

So, for January, I put together this little package:
I made up some homemade hot cocoa and put them in those tall bags made for chocolate covered pretzels.
I included some chocolate dipped marshmallows. I just poked a sucker stick in a large marshmallow and then dipped one end of that in melted chocolate and then rolled them in crushed candy canes.
Kim also got some of my hand decorated snowflake sugar cookies.
I just loved making these for her...she loves snowflakes so I knew these would make her smile.
Finding the blue mug just rounded out the gift and finished it off.

Stay tuned...I'll share with you next what she got in February!

Until then, live your life on purpose today....it's all you have....

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Like mother, like daughter...

Today in my newsfeed on Facebook was a link to a letter written by a gal to her mom.

I read that letter and it resonated within me in such a way I was just speechless.

I could have written that letter to my mom.

To read it was healing for me. I only wish my mom could've read it. It would have been healing for her too.

Grab a Kleenex....you can read the letter right here

My mom struggled the entire 65 years of her life with her weight. She never felt pretty, she never liked how she looked. She hated shopping for clothes.

My mom had wonderful willpower when it came to a diet. She was able to deny, deny, deny....just long enough to get to a weight she wanted to be. I remember her doing that for my wedding. She dieted for months to lose weight for my special day...
Isn't she beautiful??
My mom was beautiful. She was the life of the party and lit up rooms when she entered it. She had an energy that was contagious. People liked being with my mom.
But, she lived in a silent pain. She didn't love herself. She believed the lie that her significance, worth and beauty was based on her size. Believing that, she believed she had no significance, no worth and no beauty.
That is so far from truth. My mom was a wonderful mom. She loved her 5 children. She loved us a lot. Mom wasn't perfect...no mom is, but she loved us.
My mom died in 2001 from a resurgence of breast cancer that she had battled 10 years earlier.
I remember standing at her memorial, nodding my head in agreement to all those who would fondly tell me what mom meant to them. There was a recurring theme throughout that day....
....my mom was remembered for her love, her joy, her "lighting up the room" she was in.
Not. one. person. mentioned my mom's size.... not. one. Nor has anyone EVER in the 12 years she's been gone...
Now, I realize, no one in their right mind is going to talk about someone's size at their funeral...but what occurred to me that day was just what my mom was remembered for...what was right there blaring at me....her personality won....her personality was what people talked about, what people still talk about when I see her friends.
Fast forward to today....
I lived with that silent pain myself. My mom always told me I was going to be fat..."just like her"....and like my mom, I also believed to be fat meant to be worthless, ugly...horrible.
Mom wasn't being mean, in fact, just the opposite, my mom was trying to protect me from the pain she lived with all her life.
I've counted calories, denied myself, tried new fad diets....all in the attempts to reconciling how I felt with how I looked. I wanted to "feel" good about myself, and I too, believed the lie that I would "feel" good about myself when I was "thinner"...
But, I know better, now.
God taught me much in and through the death of my mom. I'm sad for my mom that she struggled so much with her weight. I am sad that so much of her time was spent worrying about her body size and how she could shrink it...time that would have been better spent seizing the life she had.
...and God showed me that much of my time, I was doing the same...
It was a wake up call...a wake up call for me to seize the precious moments I have. To live them fully and completely. To make the changes I wanted to make in the midst of living life to the fullest.
I still struggle, I still stumble and some days I just feel like giving in to the lies, believing that my worth, significance and beauty is bound up in the size of my waist....but God desires so much more than that for me, and I trust Him...and most of all, I know He loves me..
just. as. I. am...
I am His daughter and He loves me. I am His creation, and in me is His perfection.
What on earth could be more significant than that?
I am often told that I am "just like my mom"
I absolutely used to shutter when I heard that...
Now....I smile....
....and continue to "light up" the rooms I enter, bringing my mom's joy, love and laughter to those around me.
Thanks, mom!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Checking in...

It's been so long since I posted on my blog...so much "life" has been "lived" since my last post...uhm, back in February...

At first I thought, gosh, give it up already....it's been MONTHS since you've taken time to sit and blog...but then I thought, I may not blog much, but when I do, I love it...so, "no", I'm not going to give it up...I'm going to just jump back in and start where I feel led to go...and once I thought that, well my mind just went nuts....so very much I want to blog about:

such as:

.....my status with weight watchers...on again, off again, on again, off again...on...yes, I'm back on and yes, I will start blogging again....

....being a "foster" grandparent...my daughter and her husband just became licensed for foster care and have their first "placement"....wow, talk about a new "life" style change...for all of us...and I want to blog about it...

....empty nesting....or almost empty nesting...parenting adult children in your home...not sure how to do that...learn along with me as I blog about it...

.....T-Tapp.....new, exciting neuro-kenetic workout routine...not your typical "let's get physical" workout...but a new way of building lean tone muscle while shedding inches....getting our hormones in balance...and working the brain...no, I'm not even close to being "there" yet, but I'm learning about it, I'm trying it and so far really liking how it makes me feel...

.....my decorated sugar cookie hobby.... I've been enjoying learning new techniques for decorating them and I plan to share some of my favorite tricks.

As you can read, I have much I want to blog about. Life isn't slowing down for me, but I love to blog about how I'm living it....

so stay tuned....

My blog is back on my list of things "to do" ..... as I live life today...

Thanks for stopping by...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cookies, Valentine's and my Mother-in-Law....

Valentine's Day is this Thursday...
Thinking about this upcoming Valentine's Day made me think of cut out cookies...

My mother-in-law {Shirley} and I used to make cut out sugar cookies and decorate them together every February for Valentine's Day plates. We'd get together the weekend before the holiday and roll and cut and talk and chat and learn more about each other in the process.

As a young gal I  had little experience at making cut out cookies. I always wrestled with sticky dough that rolled out terribly..usually cut them way to thin which resulted in a hard crunchy cookie.

I didn't like making {or eating} cut out sugar cookies...definitely not worth the mess.

And then as a new bride,  I learned his mom LOVED to make cut out sugar cookies....one year she asked me to make them with her...and a yearly tradition was born...

Making cut out cookies with her immediately started out different...she had an awesome, soft, nutmeggy {is that even a word?} cookie recipe that rolled out like play dough...oh was it fun to play with the dough. These cookies baked up nice and soft and had a wonderful delicious flavor and smell.

After they cooled, we'd whip up this soft, fluffy frosting. Now, I have to be honest with you here, after all that work rolling, cutting and baking up these beautiful heart cookies, I always felt a bit disappointed with the final product after frosting them with this wonderful, fluffy frosting.

They were ugly.  {in my humble opinion}

They tasted heavenly and most people LOVED the cookie platters they received from us, but, the "presentation" of these cookies was  lacking. Those of you that have frosted cookies with a fluffy frosting know what I'm talking about....it's just kind of messy and they don't look real pretty and they don't stack nice on a plate, and you can't package them up pretty.....

Fast forward to today, and Shirley has been gone for the last 12 Valentine's Days. Along with her went our traditional Valentine's Day cut out cookies...

but since then, along came Pinterest....and pictures of beautiful cut out sugar cookies...works of art really...using a Royal Icing so they could be detailed...stacked....presented oh so beautifully!

and then, I thought...

                                I should try this....

                                                                so I did...

I liked the final product....so much that I kept trying and perfecting and playing in dough.

My new hobby developed into a love for cut out cookies...time invested in rolling, cutting and baking is oh...so...worth it... in the smiles it brings to those who recieve them.

I'm no expert, and I don't have any cookies on Pinterest {yet} but I've found a wonderful new hobby that brings back precious memories of my mother in law and the time we spent together every February....rolling, cutting, chatting and getting to know each other better!

I'm so glad I lived in those moments yesterday...they are precious memories today.

Enjoy your Valentine's Day this Thursday. Live in the moment and make a memory!

You can see my gallery of sweet things on my Facebook page HERE

Though I don't use this recipe in my creations today, I thought I'd share the memory with you! Enjoy!!

Mom Smith's Sugar Cookies
4 cups flour
1 1/2 cups suga
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. nutmet
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla
1 cup shortening
2 eggs
3/4 cup milk {approx}
Sift together all the dry ingredients.
Mix in the shortening w/a pastry cutter.
Break the 2 eggs into a one cup measuring cup. Fill to the one cup measure with milk. Mix this with the dry ingredients. Knead on a heavily floured surface until you can roll it out and cut. Cut with floured cookie cutters. Bake at 325* for 8 minutes. Cool and frost.

Fluffy Decorator's Frosting
4 cups powdered sugar
1 1/4 cup shortening
3 t. vanilla
2 egg whites
3 T. cold wather
1 t. lemon juice
Dump in a large mixer and whip until light and fluffy. Add color and frost cookies.