Well, that day came today. Not that I've not had time to do fun things with my grand kids but this is kind of the start of a new weekly "event" at my house...I'm gonna call it:
TUESDAYS with GRAMMA!! {and sometimes Papa!!}
Each Tuesday, I'll get to play with the kids while their mom and dad teach piano.
It'll be something fun for all of us to look forward to!
So, today, I picked them up a little before lunch and we headed to "Ole McDonald's"...I love it when they call it that. They won't do that forever...soon enough, they'll call if for what it really is, but until then, we had a right proper lunch at Ole McDonald's today!
As we were leaving, Micah noticed a big truck moving dirt. What fun for a 5 year old boy to see his small play trucks, big and in real life, working. He asked me what they were doing, so seizing the opportunity in front of us, we walked over to the area and watched and learned as we saw this, giant in their eyes, truck move big rocks and dirt.
Today, I decided to make "Flubber" with them. I've made it before with my own kids, and always found it a fun alternative to play dough.
I used the recipe I had pinned on my "Gramma Board"...you can find that HERE.
Since I was going to let them each have their own color, I got enough ingredients to do 3 batches.
Here's what you'll need for each individual batch:
Elmer's Glue {I used the "almost" 8 oz bottle}
Food coloring
3/4 cup cold Water
1 tsp. of Borax {find this in the laundry soap aisle}
1/2 tsp. hot water
First thing I did was get each of the kids their own bowl and one 8 oz bottle of glue. They dumped that into their bowls
They then stirred it all together.
While they stirred and stirred, giggled and checked each other's bowls out:
I mixed 1 tsp. of Borax into 1/2 cup of hot water, stirring until the Borax was dissolved.
It's when you add this Borax mixture to their colored glue mixture that the magic happens and this flubbery, rubbery substance just kind of makes itself happen in the bowl.
....and the wonderment in the eyes of a child gets to be experienced....
I love watching kids when they are fascinated...learning...living life...
I could watch that all day....
Do you ever just do that?? Just watch a child watch "life" around them?
It's a magical place to be...
I didn't do that much when my kids were little...I think I was just so busy and distracted by life that I just didn't stop long enough to see "life" through their eyes....
But, now that I'm a gramma....
I get to do that...and I could do that ALL day EVERY day...
That's just one of those things you get to experience when you have a grand child...something just kind of clicks inside and you see "life" just differently somehow.. you get to see a glimpse of "life" through their eyes and not just your own...
I was privileged to teach my kids at home so it's not like I didn't have the opportunity to see that in my kids, it's just different somehow.
I don't know, I think maybe God just saves that for grandparents...just one more thing we can't explain.
Ok, so then, the Flubber was ready and the the kids got to enjoy the fruit of their labor...
And me....well, I got to sit and enjoy them doing just that...
My Tuesdays just got a whole lot more fun!!!
...and I can't wait to live each one!!
Could you adopt me, Gramma Tracie? What fun!
ReplyDeleteThey didn't tell me about the tractor!! The quote of the night, "get your hands dirty."
ReplyDeleteMicah thought that was the best.